Friday, October 11, 2019

City of Philomath and the "Chamber of Collusion"

Ex parte contacts, sketchy procedure and suspect allies.

As Philomath staggers under the onslaught of recent new developments and annexations, the latest
proposed development in town, the Lepman Master Planned Development has come under close
scrutiny by many local residents, business owners and community stakeholders.

After months of questionable Land Use procedure and public involvement practices between City
Officials and Philomath residents, several highly improper events took place at the Philomath Chamber of Commerce September luncheon.

In a room filled with local business owners, non-profit representatives, community leaders and City
officials, developer Scott Lepman presented his proposal for the already denied Master Planned
Development of 39 acres on the North side of Philomath. Beautiful full color 11x17, double-sided flyers, touting the benefits to Philomath of the RV Park, Self-Storage and Industrial Flex Space, were placed at each table. Key phrases such as “tourism, higher profits and honoring rural lifestyles” jumped off the pages.

Just weeks prior, on August 26 th , the Philomath Planning Commission had denied Lepman’s Master
Planned Development application. That denial was based on Development Criteria that was not met as defined by State Law and the Philomath Comprehensive Plan. The denial cited inadequate job
development and the risk of the RV park becoming substandard housing, which has happened at The
Blue Ox of Albany, another Lepman owned RV Park.